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Cosmic Currents:
An Astrology Forecast Blog

The Astrology Forecast for September 17th - 23rd, 2024

Sep 16, 2024

Key Dates for the third week of September 2024:

  • September 17th, 2024 - Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces and Sextile Uranus Rx in Taurus
  • September 18th, 2024 - Mercury in Virgo Opposite Saturn Rx in Pisces
  • September 19th, 2024 - Sun in Virgo Trine Uranus Rx in Taurus
  • September 20th, 2024 - Sun in Virgo Opposite Neptune Rx in Pisces
  • September 21st, 2024 - Sun in Virgo Trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn
  • September 22nd, 2024 - Sun Enters Libra
  • September 22nd, 2024 - Venus in Libra Square Pluto Rx in Capricorn 
  • September 22nd, 2024 - Venus Enters Scorpio

The Third Week of September 2024

Greetings, starry souls! As we dive into the third week of September, prepare for a cosmic rollercoaster of emotions, revelations, and shifts in perspective. This week is packed with potent astrological events that invite us to reflect, transform, and find balance as the Sun shifts signs and Venus transitions into a new phase.

Here’s a breakdown of the celestial highlights and how to navigate them:

September 17th, 2024 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces conjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces and Sextile Uranus Rx in Taurus

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17 is the opening act of a transformative eclipse series that will guide us into a new collective direction in the coming months. This is more than just a single event—it's a sneak preview of the shifts ahead, inviting us to release old patterns and embrace a new way forward. Pisces asks us to trust our intuition and flow with change, making this a powerful time for reflection, healing, and spiritual growth. Seeds are being released now that will ebb into the next major developments of our journeys.

Eclipses are powerful catalysts for change, and this one asks us to surrender control and flow with what’s unfolding. Let yourself lean into this cosmic moment—whether it’s through creativity, healing, or simply sitting with your emotions. This is a time for softening, letting go, and allowing your inner wisdom to guide you forward.

September 18th, 2024 - Mercury in Virgo Opposite Saturn Rx in Pisces

On September 18th, Mercury in analytical Virgo faces off against Saturn retrograde in imaginative Pisces. This opposition might bring some mental or communication challenges, especially when it comes to dealing with responsibilities or limitations.

Use this day to tackle any lingering doubts or obstacles that may be clouding your thinking. It’s a good time for serious reflection and problem-solving. While you may encounter some resistance, approaching it with patience and persistence will help you find clarity and structure in your plans.

September 19th, 2024 - Sun in Virgo Trine Uranus Rx in Taurus

On September 19th, the Sun in Virgo forms a harmonious trine with Uranus retrograde in Taurus, lighting up the skies with innovation and progress. This aspect brings a wave of fresh energy and inspiration, perfect for embracing new approaches and breaking free from routine.

It’s an excellent day for implementing changes and exploring creative solutions. Whether you’re reorganizing your work or trying out a new method, the stars are aligned to support your efforts. Embrace the excitement and let your unique ideas shine!

September 20th, 2024 - Sun in Virgo Opposite Neptune Rx in Pisces

As we move into September 20th, the Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces, creating a dreamy yet potentially confusing atmosphere. This opposition can blur the lines between reality and illusion, making it a day for careful navigation.

It’s a good time to address any misunderstandings or deceptive influences in your life. Focus on grounding yourself and maintaining clarity. While the energy may be a bit foggy, use it to tap into your intuition and refine your spiritual or creative pursuits. Just be cautious of escapism or overidealizing situations.

September 22nd, 2024 - Sun Enters Libra

On September 22nd, the Sun makes its grand entrance into Libra, marking the Autumn Equinox and a shift towards themes of balance, partnership, and harmony. Libra’s influence encourages us to seek equilibrium in our relationships and surroundings, and to embrace diplomacy and fairness.

Celebrate this transition by focusing on creating harmony in your personal and professional life. It’s a great time to strengthen partnerships, beautify your space, and seek out balance and cooperation.

September 22nd, 2024 - Venus in Libra Square Pluto Rx in Capricorn 

Also on September 22nd, Venus in Libra squares off with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, stirring up deep-seated issues around power, control, and transformation in our relationships and finances. This intense aspect can bring hidden desires or conflicts to the surface.

Use this energy to confront any power struggles or transformational needs in your relationships. While it may be uncomfortable, it’s an opportunity for profound growth and healing. Approach any challenges with honesty and a willingness to dive deep.

September 22nd, 2024 - Venus Enters Scorpio

Rounding out the day, Venus transitions into intense Scorpio, shifting the focus from harmony to depth and transformation in our relationships and resources. Venus in Scorpio seeks profound connections and is unafraid of exploring the shadow side of love and intimacy.

This placement encourages us to delve into the deeper aspects of our relationships and desires. Embrace the transformative power of this transit by facing your passions and vulnerabilities with courage. It’s a potent time for deepening connections and exploring the depths of your emotional landscape.

As the third week of September unfolds, navigate the mix of emotional, spiritual, and relational energies with mindfulness and openness. The cosmic shifts offer opportunities for profound insights and transformations, so embrace the journey and let the stars guide you through this transformative period.


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